Tuesday 26 November 2013

Media Circus

UPDATE: Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Just to let you know, I no longer post here. My current blog is at http://theleaningbookshelf.blogspot.co.uk/ if you fancy having a look at my current writing. Eleanor x

Recently, this news article came to my attention: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-25097127It refers to the Sandy Hook shootings of December 2012, and how the killer had an obsession with another mass school shooting that occurred 13 years earlier in 1999. It is fairly obvious from the article that these previous murders inspired his killing spree, it mentions "an obsession with mass murders, in particular the April 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado." This article raises one question in particular; If a mass shooting inspired this killer, won't this shooting inspire another one? Not convinced? This article develops this point, explaining how a shooting inspired many others, and interestingly,provides information on the role the media had on this: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/crucial-conversations/201204/the-media-is-accomplice-in-school-shootings
Delving further into this idea, I came across this Charlie Brooker video (watch out for the bad language)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PezlFNTGWv4It shows how the media can over publicize an event like this, going into detail about the killer, about his plan, how he executed his attack, his motives. It more or less provides a How to guide on how to carry out a massacre.
We often forget the detrimental effects of over publicizing in our constant thirst for 'gossip' almost. It is worth bearing in mind, when the next shooting happens, the other people watching the 24/7 coverage, is there someone, somewhere making notes? Is there someone planning the next mass shooting? Who knows.

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